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Christopher Bailey: FINRA Bars Ex-MassMutual Advisor

Former Cumming, Georgia financial advisor Christopher Bailey (CRD# 6907048) was recently sanctioned by FINRA in connection with alleged rule violations. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority records show that he was previously registered as a broker with MML Investors Services, also known as MassMutual.

A Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent (No. 2024081723301) describes FINRA’s disciplinary action against Mr. Bailey. Filed in November 2024, it alleges that he refused to provide documents and information requested by FINRA as part of an investigation into his conduct. The investigation specifically concerned the circumstances leading to his firing from MML Investors Services in March 2024. Though he initially “produced some documents and information in response to the request,” FINRA found, “he failed to produce other documents FINRA had requested, including bank statements.” He then indicated to FINRA via a phone call and email that he had received its request but would no provide additional documents requested by FINRA “at any time.” As a result of these findings, FINRA barred him from associating with any member firm in any capacity.

Mr. Bailey’s BrokerCheck report discloses his termination from MML Investors Services. Filed in March 2024, it states that the firm fired him in connection with an investigation into his life insurance sales practices, “including a pattern of incorrect bank account information for premium payments and receipt of advance commissions.”

A second disclosure on his BrokerCheck record concerns his firing from NYLife Securities. Filed in 2021, it states that the firm terminated his registration after a review that found “he submitted long term care and traditional life insurance applications, which were declined for requirements, resulting in commission reversals.” According to the disclosure, this review also found “possible altered bank account information with purported client initials on a required form.”

According to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Christopher Bailey holds two years of securities industry experience. Most recently based in Cumming, Georgia, he was registered as a broker with MML Investors Services from 2022 until 2024. He was previously registered with NYLife Securities in Atlanta, Georgia from 2021 until 2022. As a result of his FINRA sanction, he is currently barred from acting as a broker or otherwise associating with a broker-dealer firm. (Information current as of November 27, 2024.)

Carlson Law represents investors throughout the United States in claims against financial advisors and investment firms. If you or a loved one have suffered investment losses, please call us at 888-976-6111 or complete our contact form for a free and confidential consultation.

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