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Clark Nobil: Hallandale Broker Barred by FINRA

Clark Nobil (CRD# 348552), formerly registered as a broker with Clark Nobil & Company, has been barred by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) in connection to allegations he did not comply with a FINRA investigation into his conduct. Nobil was most recently associated with that firm’s office in Hallandale, Florida.

According to a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent (No. 2019062569401) dated November 2019, Clark Nobil was registered with FINRA and associated with Clark Nobil & Company beginning in 1991; his FINRA registration and his association with the firm were terminated in August 2019. In that same year, according to the AWC Letter, FINRA launched an examination into whether his “appointment as Trustee of two Trusts” constituted engagement in an outside business activity which he should have disclosed, or was otherwise a violation of FINRA rules. In connection with this examination, FINRA sent Nobil a request on June 5, 2019 to provide information and documents relating to the matter. FINRA states that Nobil “provided a partial, but incomplete response to this request on July 14 and 15” of that year. Accordingly, FINRA sent Clark Nobil a second request on September 13, 2019, this one explaining “the deficiencies of the response to the June 5 request” and making clear which documents and information were necessary in order to fully satisfy FINRA’s requests.

Nobil, per the AWC Letter, “provided a narrative response to the prior requests” on September 30, 2019, however, this was “an incomplete response” to the requests made on June 5 and September 13. FINRA states that he the information and documents he declined to provide “were material to FINRA’s investigation,” for instance, bank statements and tax returns. FINRA states that he informed FINRA staff in an October 29, 2019 phone call that he would not be producing any of the outstanding documents, a refusal that FINRA states was in violation of its rules. As a result of the foregoing alleged conduct, Clark Nobil was barred from association with any FINRA member in any capacity.

Clark Nobil is currently not registered with any FINRA member firm. His previous registrations include Clark Nobil & Company, Josephthal & Company, Shearson Lehman Hutton, EF Hutton & Company, Shearson Hayden Stone, Reynolds Securities, Smith Barney Harris Upham, and Bellamah Neuhauser & Barrett. He has passed 13 securities industry qualifying examination and currently holds no state securities licenses. (Information current as of April 25, 2020.)

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